German Bucket Wheel Excavator Video

Posted on 27. Oct, 2014 by in Bucket Wheel Excavator Videos

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Information about the largest excavators in the world. Germany is known for the valuable natural resources buried underneath its land. To bring these natural resources to the surface, miners used advanced bucket wheel excavators. The following video provides information on one such type of bucket wheel excavator used for mining in Germany and other countries around the world.


20120729 driving excavator
Excavator Safety Video


4 Responses to “German Bucket Wheel Excavator Video”

  1. Kortney Longhenry

    20. Nov, 2011

    Your website is actually very informative. Keep going that way.

    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
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    • admin

      05. Dec, 2011

      Thanks! We most certainly will continue to provide the public with watchable videos and clips on excavating equipment of all types. After all, there sure is a lot to say about these amazing pieces of heavy machinery.

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  2. Susy

    23. Nov, 2011

    Appearntly this is what the esteemed Willis was talkin’ ’bout.

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  3. Janessa Paten

    26. Nov, 2011

    Hey there! I completely agree with your opinion.

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