Jukka Mutanen Taivalkoskella – Excavator Jukka
Posted on 14. Mar, 2015 by Michael Le-Roy in Funny Heavy Machinery Videos
Crazy man!
Some pics! Kuvia! -> jonijurmu.kuvat.fi/kuvat/Jukka%20Mutanen%20Taivalkoskella%20-%20Excavator%20Jukka/
Sisu! -> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sisu
Jukka Mutanen lupautui ajamaan huiman tuhannen kilometrin matkan 4km/t etenevällä minikaivurilla, jos hänen sivustolleen liittyy 50 000 fania. Kannattajia oli kerääntynyt tarvittava määrä nopeasti, joten lupaus oli pantava täytäntöön.
Jukka Mutanen from Finland is currently taking part in a marathon “track” from the town of Hanko to Kuusamo which is a distance of 1000 kilometres, an astonishing feat when you consider he is making the journey in a Sunward SWE17 mini excavator. (Top speed 4km/h.) Jukka came up with the idea for a marathon trip by excavator in April this year, he initially started a Facebook page to highlight the event and promised that he would attempt it if he got 50,000 fans, he completed that feat in under two weeks, to this date he has attracted over 83,000 fans a number that grows by the day!